
We Are Rising!

We are rising against Line 3 By Emily Murphy and Jennifer Linton As fellow climate activists and concerned citizens, we’re asking you to participate in an action, June 5-8, to stand against the Line 3 pipeline and protect our Great Lakes and our future. A group of us from the chapter are planning to attend…
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The good, the bad & tipping points

The good, the bad & tipping points By Jane Goldenberg Holy Moly, he’s now talking about climate tipping points! While I wasn’t a complete climate newbie when I went to The Climate Reality Project’s training in Minneapolis in August 2019, former Vice President Al Gore’s nearly three and a half hour slide show about the…
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Illinois needs a strong plan to electrify public transit

Illinois needs a strong plan to electrify public transit By Pam Tate and Kim Stone Since most capital investment has been put on hold by our transit agencies, due to the pandemic, members of our chapter’s Task Force for Electrifying Public Transit believe the time is now for the State of Illinois and transit agencies…
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A student activist finds his voice

A student activist finds his voice — Q&A with JACOB ABASTA — March 1, 2021 Jacob, a 17-year-old climate justice activist from Mount Prospect is the city coordinator for an international youth-led climate education group called Earth Uprising. He organizes young people around climate change in the Chicago area. He recently joined Climate Reality Chicago…
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Demanding climate action as a basic human right

Demanding climate action as a basic human right By Jean-Stéphane Naas When I was in elementary school, I spent weekends with my father picking up plastic bags from the street. We would then use them to dispose of our week’s trash. In other scavenging, we searched alleys looking for furniture that had been left behind.…
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Where are the reusable containers? They’re coming!

Where are the reusable containers? They’re coming! By Jane Goldenberg Editor’s Note: This article continues a series about new/local companies that are working to reduce waste. Please send us tips about others we should know about. — Part II: How the system of containers works in restaurants — Dispatch Goods, which distributes reusable containers for…
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Help, I’m drowning in takeout plastic!

Help, I’m drowning in takeout plastic! By Jane Goldenberg Editor’s Note: With this article, we begin a series about new/local companies that are working to reduce waste. Please send us tips about others we should know about at — Part I: Pushing toward a more circular economy — With every takeout order I unwrap,…
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Tales from the field: Lobby Day first-timers dive into advocacy

First-timers dive into advocacy Edited by Jane Goldenberg One of the best things about Zoom meetings is that they make attending meetings that otherwise would require travel far easier. As a result, we got lots of first-timers advocating for the Clean Energy Jobs Act during our Nov. 12 Lobby Day. Here are their stories. Regina…
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The veto session may have been canceled, but #CEJACantWait

#CEJACantWait By Linc Cohen If you want to take the next steps in our campaign to keep Illinois on track toward a renewable-energy economy, please write letters to your legislators and the governor! Our chapter’s No. 1 priority for 2020 was passage of the Clean Energy Jobs Act, but the year will end without the…
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Tales from the field: Our first virtual Lobby Day

Tales from the Field Edited by Jane Goldenberg One of the most important things we do as advocates for climate action is to talk to our elected officials — which should be one of the most natural of activities in a democracy because our legislators work for us! For many of us, the first time…
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