The Suburban Climate Action (SCA) committee was established early in 2021.  Our team members are looking to be active in their community, with some serving on their municipal environmental board, commission, or task force.  Our work includes:

  • Creating awareness of climate / sustainability actions at local governments
  • Utilizing and coordinating information with other teams
  • Initiating and continuing to move climate action forward locally
  • Providing education and outreach materials for members, elected officials, and the general public.


The Suburban Climate Action (SCA) committee is:

  • Encouraging our communities to support the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Climate Action Plan for the Chicago region
  • Encouraging our communities to adopt and implement a climate action or sustainability plan
  • Providing presentations to elected officials and municipal staff
  • Informing communities of federal, state, and regional funding opportunities
  • Providing sample statements for public comment
  • Compiling climate action ordinances
  • Engaging with our membership to connect with all local governments in the region
  • Collaborating with school districts to promote the national Green Schools campaign.


Kris Murphy
Email Kris

Please note, continuing members will be asked to join our chapter. 


2nd Wednesdays of the month, 6:30–7:30pm (Zoom)

(Check our calendar for more details.)

^ Chapter members only

(Chapter members: if you need access, click through to request.)


Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Climate Action Plan for the Chicago region

Need to Know Newsletter (sample attached)

Fact sheets.