Chair Role Descriptions

Elections: Leadership Roles

These elected chair positions serve 
on the Leadership Committee, which maintains general 
operational chapter decision-making and oversight.


The Chair must be a trained Climate Reality Leader

The Chapter Chair’s primary responsibilities include:

    • Oversee Climate Reality’s local, state and federal campaigns and policy priorities;
    • Talk with Climate Reality staff monthly and participate in Chapters monthly calls;        
    • Fill out monthly reports on chapter’s work and progress;
    • Help build relationships and coalitions locally;
    • Represent the chapter on sign-on documents or delegate someone to;
    • Take responsibility for monthly membership meetings and host them;
    • Organize and chair twice-monthly leadership-committee meetings.


The Vice Chair must be a trained Climate Reality Leader

The Chapter Vice Chair’s primary responsibilities include:

    • Assist the Chapter Chair with their responsibilities. Specific duties will be determined with the Chapter Chair, with an eye toward special skills and interests;
    • Fill in for chair if needed at meetings or events;
    • Learn about Chair’s duties;
    • Participate on Leadership Committee;
    • The Vice Chair is a likely successor to the Chair.


The Campaigns Chair’s principal responsibilities include:

    • Oversee all the teams;
    • Help new teams get started;
    • Attend as many team meetings as possible and give guidance as needed;
    • Host the monthly Campaigns meeting;
    • Help reach out to new members to get them connected;
    • Participate on the Leadership Committee.


The Communications Chair’s primary responsibilities include:

    • Recruit a Vice Chair with whom to share responsibilities.
    • Recruit members for a team that can support chapter communications;
    • Maintain an editing team of one to two people to ensure accurate and clean copy on any public-facing messages;
    • Create and send regular communications to members regarding chapter activities and local and regional activism news and opportunities via bi-monthly newsletter, action alerts, and MailChimp emails;
    • Stay abreast of the work of partner organizations and important environment/climate news in our region;
    • Be an active partner in campaigns communications aimed at the general public;
    • Maintain a regular presence on social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. This should entail delegating posting responsibilities for each of these platforms;
    • Participate on the Leadership Committee.

May also:

    • Maintain regular content on our blog; develop a group of regular contributors; edit content (with editing team) to maintain high quality
    • Partner with other members of the Leadership Team to help maintain and regularly update content on our website.


The Membership Engagement Chair’s primary responsibilities include:

    • Recruit a Vice Chair with whom to share responsibilities of the role;
    • Maintain current member lists;
    • Onboard new members and connect them to teams;
    • Oversee member recruitment;
    • Contribute materials to public tabling events;
    • Offer ideas for member engagement activities;
    • Participate on the Leadership Committee.


The Public Education Chair(s)’s primary responsibilities include:

    • Recruit a Vice Chair with whom to share responsibilities of the role;
    • Plan and oversee tabling events, including recruiting volunteers;
    • Encourage speakers to log their presentations; put profiles in website Speakers Bureau;
    • Maintain slide share on Members Drive, offering new diverse slideshows related to campaigns, plus updated local and action slides;
    • Participate on the Leadership Committee.


The Leadership Committee may appoint several At-Large Chairs to join them.  At-Large Chairs may bring a specific knowledge base or skill set that helps the leadership accomplish the goals of the chapter.

The At-Large Chairs’ primary responsibilities include:

    • Provide leadership, governance and oversight to the chapter;
    • Attend Leadership Committee meetings and provide input and advice on campaigns, events, activities, and chapter undertakings;
    • Lead activities and tasks as may be assigned by the Chapter Chair from time to time;
    • Help ensure the Chapter complies with and meets its obligations under the Climate Reality Project Charter Agreement;
    • Represent the Chapter on coalitions or partnerships as assigned by the Chapter Chair;
    • Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Chapter Chair.