The Task Force on Electrifying Public Transit was formed in 2020 to advocate for electrification of public transit bus fleets of the CTA and Pace in the Chicago area. The group also monitors state and federal policies for electrification of school buses and assists local school districts to qualify for electric school bus grants.
The Task Force on Electrifying Public Transit has mobilized people to sign onto petitions and to submit comments on the need to electrify public transit fleets, and collaborated with local environmental groups to advocate for fleet electrification at Pace, CTA and RTA meetings. The group has also commented at public hearings on the annual capital and operating budgets. These efforts paid off in the fall of 2021 when Pace committed to operate a 100% zero emission bus fleet by 2040 and to end all further diesel bus purchases. In 2022, Pace ordered 20 electric buses for delivery in 2023 and has committed to electrify several bus garages to handle the new fleet. CTA also adopted a plan to modify all its garages to meet their previously declared 2040 deadline for a zero emission bus fleet.
Current Initiatives
Pursue state legislation requiring that neither Pace nor CTA can sign contracts for fossil fuel bus purchases starting in 2024
Urge Pace to stop ordering Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses which have equal or even more greenhouse gas emissions than a diesel bus.
Advocate for Pace to modify plans to build a CNG bus garage in Wheeling, converting it to a facility that would house electric buses instead.
Urge CTA to immediately stop ordering any more diesel buses, and speed up purchase of electric buses.
Urge Illinois EPA to make it easier for school districts to apply for grants to transition to electric school buses.
Assist local school districts in applying for grants for electric school buses.
Monitor technology to replace diesel locomotives for implementation on all Metra diesel powered trains.