Author: Jennifer Linton

sunset photo of a mountain with a small group of people in silhouette

Team up for action!

Team up for action! While we’ve all been hunkered down, many of us are also gearing up for action. Together as teams, we have the opportunity to pool our knowledge and resources for elevated, powerful outcomes. Our two global online leadership trainings brought 95 newly trained leaders into our chapter this summer! And climate-concerned citizens…
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Show your stripes!

Show your stripes! Here’s a quick, timely action you can take that builds power to address the climate crisis. Thanks to member Mark M. who pointed this out today on our Facebook Group. If you’re a member of the chapter and not yet in the private group but want to be, email us. Today is…
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Guardian of the Great Lakes

Guardian of the Great Lakes By Jillian Melero Cam Davis used to think there was only one way to fight “the bad guys” — sue them. So, he put himself through night school at the Chicago-Kent College of law, specializing in environmental and energy law. But since then, he’s learned that when it comes to…
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Attend our L.A. training!

Attend our L.A. training! There’s still time to take part in the transformative experience that is a Climate Reality Leadership Corps training. Applications for the Los Angeles training — a three-day event that takes place Aug. 26–28 — are being accepted through July 11th. A sample agenda can be found here.  [UPDATE! Applications will be…
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climate reality leaders in outside the Capital Building in Springfield, IL holding signs and green rings

Our blog is coming!

Our blog is coming! As we gear up our Chapter and get into action, we’ll take to this blog to tell you all about it. Stay tuned to hear from a variety of voices. Our members will share their experiences with you from the front-lines of addressing climate change.