Speakers Bureau / Kent Taylor
Kent Taylor is a retired business consultant and business owner who joined the Climate Reality Project in 2007. He was formerly a volunteer Coral Reef Diver/Presenter at the Shedd Aquarium for 23 years, performing in the 90,000 gallon Coral Reef Exhibit. Once he realized that the warming oceans were killing the coral reefs he loved so much, he retired as Volunteer Emeritus to join the Climate Reality Project, an organization dedicated to reversing this frightening trend. Since then he has given over 120 climate presentations before school groups, universities, churches, clubs and civic organizations. Besides offering Al Gore’s frequently updated presentations in this subject area, he also offers tailored presentations using many of his own slides on how global warming is affecting our oceans and reefs. He normally centers his talks is on the scientific causes of the current crisis, observed impacts and remedies. He uses layman’s language and the latest data in the form of vivid visual aids to explain this complex phenomenon. He always concludes his presentation with common sense approaches we can apply to mitigate the effects and even reverse the current trend towards a warming, more unpredictable climate.
Climate Reality Leadership Corps training: Nashville, 2007
Home zip code: 60302 (Oak Park) and 49650 (MI)
Miles willing to travel for a presentation: Anywhere
Key topics like to focus on: Climate Myths vs Reality, Current Climate Overview, Our Oceans in Crisis
Ideal audience-type: Garden and Environmental Clubs, Religious and Civic Groups, University groups, High Schools and Grammar Schools
Favorite quote:
“It is a curious situation that the sea, from which life first arose should now be threatened by the activities of one form of that life. But the sea, though changed in a sinister way, will continue to exist; the threat is rather to life itself.” —Rachel Carson