Member Resources

Chapter Orientation

Watch our 25-min. orientation video or review the orientation slides PDF.

Slack Guide

We’re all learning new tools. Our Slack Guide will help us all stay efficient in our communications.

If you haven’t yet completed the Climate Reality Leadership Corps training, sign up to find out your next opportunity!

Guidelines to Forming Teams

Members can start and build new teams. Read how to form teams.

Strategic Plan

Each year, a plan of action. See our focuses in the plan.

Directory of Members

View and add your information to the Directory.

Help compile chapter-related photos on Google Photos.

Email Levels

NEW: Learn how to adjust your email frequency.

If you haven’t yet completed the Climate Reality Leadership Corps training, sign up to find out your next opportunity!


We have about a dozen teams already in place.
The best way to get involved in the chapter is to pick one to get started!

Review our teams and their top focus points on our TEAMS-AT-A-GLANCE page.
Contact Team Leads to find out how to join in!
